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Sunday School

      Our Sunday School is made up of preschool and elementary school students.  Every Sunday from 11am to 12pm the students learn about God through praise, message, and age-specific classes.  Throughout the year, the Sunday School hosts various events such as New Years Bowing (Korean traditional), special song during the main service, vacation bible school, Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day fundraising, Easter Egg Hunt, Hallelujah Party (Halloween), and Christmas Presentations.


      주일학교는 유치부와 초등학생으로 구성되어 있습니다. 매 주일 오전 11시부터 12시까지 예배와 찬양, 분반공부를 통해 하나님에 대해 배웁니다. 교회학교 행사로는 새해 첫날 새배하기, 년 2-3회 특송, 여름성경학교, 어버이날 꽃 선물, 발렌타인데이 fundraising, 부활절 에그헌팅, 할렐루야 파티, 봄/가을 방학Lock-In, 크리스마스 발표 등이 있습니다.

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