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CHOIR :: 성가대


       Our wonderful choir is made up of about 30 members.  Every week the choir gathers to prepare for the Sunday worship.  With a heart longing to praise God, the choir members work passionately to practice the songs and sharpen their skills.  The choir meets every Sunday one hour before service to refresh and finalize song preparations for later that day.  Then, after the service, choir members gather from 1 to 3pm to practice for the next week's songs.  Other than serving during the main service, the choir prepares special Easter cantatas, goes on retreats, and offers Christmas caroling to church members on Christmas Eve!


     우리 아름다운 성가대는 약 30명으로 구성되어있습니다.  하나님을 찬양하기 원하는 간절한 마음과 뜨거운열정으로 매주일 열심히 찬양을 준비하여 아름다운 예배를 만드는 예배위원으로의 역할을 다하고 있습니다. 매주일 오전10시와 오후 1시부터 3시까지 연습이 있습니다. 연중행사로는 부활절(또는 종려주일) 칸타타, 성가대수련회, 성탄절새벽송이 있습니다.


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